How to customize page numbers in word 2007
How to customize page numbers in word 2007

how to customize page numbers in word 2007 how to customize page numbers in word 2007

If you have field code shading turned on ( Word Options > Advanced > Show Document Content section > Field Shading: Always), it will have a gray background. You should notice that ‘ 1‘ is inserted into the template. Add this after SEQ: Step \r 1 (this will be the ‘reset numbering to 1’ field).SEQ displays in the Field codes text box on the right. Select Seq from the list of Field names.Go to the Insert tab > Text group, then click the Quick Parts icon.Right-click on the Normal.dotm template, then select Open (in Vista, the Normal.dotm template is stored under C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Templates by default).Create the SEQ field to reset the number to 1 Please note: While some of this information may be relevant to Word 2003, Quick Parts is new to Word 2007, so this article focuses on Word 2007/2010. The most consuming part of this process is settings up the fields and the style once they’re set up, using them is super easy.


This long article describes how to create the SEQ fields and the numbering style in your Normal.dotm template how to save the SEQ fields as AutoCorrect entries in Word 2007/2010 (and how to use them) and how to save (and use) them as Quick Parts. Both ways work the method you choose is up to you. There are a couple of ways you can set up Word 2007/2010 to use SEQ fields for numbering - you can set them up as AutoCorrect entries or as Quick Parts.

How to customize page numbers in word 2007